USCG Physical Examinations
Please call and make an appointment or leave a voice mail. You can also click Appointment Scheduler and fill in your name, type of physical and/or drug test, with contact phone numbers and e-mail. All appointments are subject to change and/or verification by our office. We will notify you. Captain's license physicals are good for 1 year. Other mariner physical examinations are available.
Our office is friendly and conveniently located at FLL. We have great views of the planes landing while you wait in a reception area free of sick individuals, since we specialize only in physical examinations and drug testing. Appointments only keep waiting to a minimum. Evening hours are available.
Farnsworth Lantern Test (FALANT) available in our FLL office for testing color deficiencies.
For our ACY patients:
We anticipate being able to do USCG Merchant Mariner physicals only in Woodbine, NJ one day during the last week of every month. Please contact us for more information.